Country: United States of America
Closing date: 03 Jan 2016
Data Management Specialist,
Feed the Future (FTF) Global Program Evaluation for
Effectiveness and Learning (PEEL), Washington, DC
Company Profile:
MSI is an international development firm in the Washington, D.C., metro area with a 30-year history of helping to deliver results across the developing world. In 2008, we became part of Coffey International Limited. Since that time, we have greatly expanded our ability to respond seamlessly and flexibly to client needs with Coffey's international development offices in the United Kingdom and Australia. We operate in some of the most challenging political and economic climates in the world, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and South Sudan. MSI currently employs 800 development experts in the fields of public sector management, monitoring and evaluation, governance, and anticorruption. For more information on MSI, please visit our website at
Proposal Summary:
T he U.S. Government's F eed t he Future Ini t iat i ve, l ed by USA I D, is the r e sult of Pres ident Obama's com m it ment to add ress t he many issues r e l a ted to hunger and povert y. The Ini t iati ve curren t ly tar gets hunger and poverty in n ine teen Feed t he Fu ture f ocus count r i e s, f i f teen Al i gned count r ies, t h ree St rateg ic Part ner coun t r ies, and is suppor ted by Reg ional M is s i ons in A s ia, A f r ica and L a t in A merica and the Caribbean. Feed the Future has two key objectives that address the principal determinants of food insecurity and poverty: (1) inclusive growth in the agriculture sector and (2) improved nutritional status, especially for women and children. This will be a 5 year project.
Position Summary:
This individual will serve as the lead expert on database management for PEEL activities and ensure that all results and analyses are properly documented and distributed to inform program development and that the data sets are provided to USAID following Open Data requirements.
- Serve as the lead expert on database management for PEEL activities.
- Ensure that all results and analyses are properly documented and distributed to inform program. development and that the data sets are provided to USAID follow Open Data requirements.
- At least five years of relevant experience with information and data management systems.
- A graduate degree in a relevant discipline.
- A broad familiarity with subject matter related to food security and vulnerable populations.
Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.
MSI is an EEO/AA/ADA Veterans Employer.
To apply: Please visit our website,
Apply Here:
How to apply:
Apply Here: